miercuri, 11 septembrie , 2024

Clean Bandit – Come Over (videoclip)

Clean Bandit, cei care au cucerit radiourile cu Rather Be, revin acum cu un nou videoclip regizat, gandit si produs chiar de ei – Come Over. Din clip nu lipsesc animalele, instrumentele clasice si nici sincroanele.


Clipul pentru Come Over a fost filmat in Maroc si la Svalbard, trupa dorind sa obtina un contrast intre tinuturile fierbinti si cele friguroase, iar materialul reuseste sa ne binedispuna si sa uimeasca cu niste cadre foarte bine trase.

We wanted the contrast for the video of switching between the warm and cold climates, but also for the locations to have a unique identity about them as well. Svalbard has this incredible Arctic desert, whilst Marrakech is the complete opposite with the Sahara and the Medina. It was incredible shooting the video with Stylo.

“He is this incredible force of energy, has this amazing charisma and is willing to do anything! He even took extra riding lessons especially for the video!”

Clean Bandit – Come Over – Official Video

[youtube id=”aaXDzh_zoqM” width=”600″ height=”350″]

Clean Bandit si-au incercat mana cu mai multe piese de pe albumul New Eyes – Mozart’s House, Dust Cleaners au fost singleuri extrase de pe acest album, insa abia cu Rather Be britanicii au ajuns la varful clasamentelor din Marea Britanie dar si din alte tari europene.

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